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Green Key

The interest for sustainable travelling is increasing. More and more visitors expect ambitious sustainable commitment from both the destinations and the individual services. In Åland, several establishments within the tourism industry are already certified for their work in environmental responsibility and sustainability.

Visit Åland coordinates the certification of the international environmental award Green Key in Åland. 

Sustainable operation within the tourism industry

The Green Key award is the leading standard of excellence in the field of environmental responsibility and sustainable operation within the tourism industry. The Green Key is awarded hotels, smaller accommodation services, camping sites, restaurants, conference centers and museums that meet a set of high standard environmental requirements.

The requirements are both practical and more abstract. For example, the establishments aim to use locally produced and organic food and drinks, lower their water and energy consumption, recycle and separate waste and use eco-friendly cleaning methods. They also inform and encourage their customers to sustainable activities and educate their staff in environmental work. 

Today there are more than 3 200 Green Key certified establishments in more than 60 countries. You can find the sites with the Green Key certificate in Åland below.

More information

You can find more information on the official website of Green Key International.

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