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In Åland you can try out climbing with an instructor. Take the opportunity to take on a challenge – how high can you go?

Learn to climb

If you want to try climbing, no previous experience is necessary.

Movement Åland offers climbing courses for everyone - from beginners to experienced climbers, of all ages.

On your own

If you have climbed before there are two possible challenges when it comes to sport climbing on prepared routes in Åland. First of all there is Lotsberget in Mariehamn for climbing along some 10 routes graded from 4+ to 8-. Alternatively the great cliff Skålberget in Strömbolstad is worth a visit. Here there are also about 10 routes graded for difficulty from 7- and up to 8+ or 9-. Description of the routes and area can be found in the Finnish “Klippklätterföraren”.


Åland is especially suitable for bouldering which is a form of climbing that involves problem solving. The idea is that you execute your climb by solving different climbing problems. Bouldering only requires climbing shoes, a bag of chalk and possibly a crash-pad. The routes are called “problems” and can vary in height from 1 to 7 meters.

Basically you can find a bouldering problem anywhere where there is a cliff or large rock; the height does not matter so much. In Geta there are some particularly fine cliffs for bouldering, with more than 100 problems of different degrees of difficulty.

Many of the rocks suitable for bouldering are in private areas; remember to get the landowner’s permission before you start to climb. Generally stay by public roads and common areas. And don’t forget to respect the right of public access.

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