
We love seeing images of Åland! When you post a nice image on social media and use Visit Åland’s hashtags, we may ask your permission to share the image further via our channels. If you allow us to do that, your image will be visible to many more than just your own followers. It may reach and inspire many other people who like Åland, and you may also get some new followers in the process.

Du kan ge oss tillåtelse att dela din bild genom att svara på vår förfrågan i ditt kommentarsfält på Instagram. Det enda du behöver göra är att skriva #yesvisitaland så godkänner du att vi får dela bilden vidare på vår hemsida men även i andra kanaler som till exempel Instagram, Facebook och nyhetsbrev.

When you respond with #yesvisitaland, you confirm the following. You give Visit Åland r.f. (Corporate identity number: FI-01450804) a non-exclusive, royalty-free and global licence to use your images marked #yesvisitaland for marketing purposes via those channels that Visit Åland considers appropriate. You also allow Visit Åland to publish the text and hashtags that accompany the image either in their original or amended form. Equally, Visit Åland reserves the right not to publish your texts and/or hashtags.

By responding #yesvisitaland you certify that:

  1. You own all rights to your images.
  2. You have obtained permission from the people who can be seen on your images to transfer those rights to Visit Åland.
  3. Visit Åland will not be infringing any third party’s rights or be in breach of any legislation.
  4. Visit Åland is indemnified from all obligations to pay you for the use of your images and for the intellectual property rights to them in connection with the types of use described above.
  5. You indemnify Visit Åland and any others who operate on Visit Åland’s behalf from any potential claim, demand or obligations, regardless of type, in connection with the use of the images as described above.
  6. By responding #yesvisitaland you confirm that you have read and understood the conditions above.

Thank you for helping us to spread beautiful and inspirational images of Åland!

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