Åland is full of exciting, photo friendly sites to explore. The most popular ones like the museum ship Pommern, The Kastelholm castle and Bomarsund fortress are given spots where you can take part in guided tours. In addition to them, there are a high number of less known sites around Åland that you can explore on your own.
Day trips on land and sea
Make exciting day trips all over Åland, both on land and sea. It’s easy to travel by car or by bike. The distances are short in Åland so it’s always close to the next site.
Have you ever visited a real lighthouse or an old pilot station? Make a day trip on sea by a taxi boat or an archipelago ferry.
Sights and excursions
Skogsrundan 4 km – seaviews and marshland
The trail passes the wooden church of Sottunga, built in 1730. It replaced a chapel that had previously been destroyed…
A fault traverses the Åland bedrock. The trail runs up to the top of the hill through an impressive crack…
Grottstigen 4,7 km – rock formations and dwarf pines
The Grottstigen cave trail starts from Getabergen, one of Åland’s highest hills that rises almost 100 metres above the sea…