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Sund, Kastelholm

Åland – A disc golf paradise

Disc golf becomes more and more popular. That’s why the disc golf enthusiasts in Åland decided to build disc golf courses all over Åland – 16 courses in total! They have already come a long way as there are now eleven disc golf parks throughout the Åland Islands. And there are more to come.

Disc golf is a sport similar to golf. Like golf, it’s played on courses with 9 or 18 holes. The goal is to throw the disc from a tee area and hit the target on ranges of varying length and terrain. Like in golf, players seek to complete each hole in the lowest number of total throws. The par, the number of throws, on a disc golf range is usually three, four or five.

Playing is free

Playing on the disc golf courses in Åland is free and the only equipment you need is one or a couple of discs. You can buy discs in sports stores and you only need one disc to start with. However, after playing a while, you might want to have different discs to different situations – longer throws from tee areas succeed better with a light disc and when getting closer to the target, a heavier disc, a putter, works better.


Activity for all ages

Disc golf is a beginner-friendly game and therefore a perfect family activity. Since playing is free and you don’t need any fancy equipment, disc golf is an inexpensive sport. One game on a 9 hole course usually takes less than an hour so there’s time to visit several disc golf courses on one day or do other fun activities. What’s more, there are services like a café, a restaurant or a shop nearby many of the disc golf courses.

Expanded and new courses

Disc golf is played in Åland many years back and every course has a different kind of character. The first course in Åland was established in Lappo, Brändö, by a private initiative. The course in Lappo has been expanded and now has 18 holes. Another course that will be expanded from 9 to 18 holes lies centrally located in Mariehamn close to the guest harbour in the Western harbour.

In Geta in northern Åland you can play disc golf on Getabergen hill, one of Åland’s highest hilltops with a breath-taking view over the archipelago wilderness and the open horizon further away. In Eckerö in the west, near the guest harbour and Käringsund Resort’s services, you can spend a day playing disc golf on a 9 hole course. 

Disc golf in the archipelago

Five of the Åland disc golf courses are located on islands in the Åland archipelago. Head from the Åland mainland to the archipelago by ferry for a nice day trip and play on courses on the islands of Föglö, Seglinge, Sottunga, Lappo or Kökar. The landscape and the nature in the outer archipelago are magnificent and the ferry trip yet another experience. Pick a course that fits you best and spend an exciting day enjoying the beautiful views and the fresh sea climate!


Borrow discs

Would you like to try disc golf on your stay in Åland? At the Tourist information at Visit Åland you can borrow a set of discs so that you can try the game while in Åland. Please remember to return the set after the game so that other enthusiasts  get the chance to test the fun sport as well.

Åland disc golf courses

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